From the start of recruitment to final deployment
- Conduct Manpower Search, and On-Site Recruitment, organized job fairs and advertisement placements, etc, and Internet on line postings for selected job vacancies.
- Pre-select candidates for short-listing
- Administer tests (if required); conduct personal interviews for individual assessment.
- Evaluate and verify credentials and documentary submissions such as employment certification, transcript of records, etc.
- Prepare candidate for interview with employer and/or its representative.
- Conduct trade test, if necessary, from leading private testing companies recognized and accredited by Philippine government body.
- Arrange the conduct of medical and laboratory tests to determine health and fitness level of candidate.
- Assist selected workers in the compliance of documents required for visa and other purposes.
- Facilitate visa issuance from host country through employer for selected candidates.
- Provide Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) assistance.
- Coordinate with principal airline booking of selected worker.
- Airport departure assistance.